Though every arts council is different, all still have three main duties: advocacy, accessibility, and philanthropy.
The mission of the ArtsAVL (formerly Asheville Area Arts Council) is to keep the arts at the heart of our community. The Arts Council fulfills its mission by supporting arts professionals and businesses in Buncombe County through Connection, Advocacy, and Grants.
Our vision is a strong and sustainable arts sector, with:
- Strong Support: Strong local government and community support, where the arts are valued for their contributions to Buncombe County.
- Well Resourced/ Connected: A well resourced and connected arts sector that works together towards common goals.
- Thriving Workforce: A thriving creative workforce that can afford to live and work in Buncombe County.
- Diverse Assets: Cultural assets that reflect who we are as a community, are well-maintained, thoughtfully created, and that support local creatives.
- Accessibility: Accessible arts programs where everyone has the opportunity to create and participate in the arts.
- Arts for Schools: Arts-integrated schools, where our youth have the opportunity to experience new cultural experiences and express their creative side.
- Low Barriers: An equitable arts sector with low barriers to entry, and wraparound services that are accessible and inclusive.
Recent Accomplishments
- Hosted 3 ArtsAVL Town Hall candidate forums and the inaugural State of the Arts Brunch
- Published the Buncombe County Creative Jobs Pandemic Report
- Awarded a historic $129,788 Buncombe County block grant for FY23 for regranting
- Regranted over $300,000 in federal relief aid since 2020
- Awarded $50,000 in Buncombe County American Rescue Plan funding
- Presented the 2020 AVL Protest Murals Exhibition
- Hosted the 2021 Creative Sector Summit–the region’s only creative industry specific conference
- Executive Director Katie Cornell received the NC Art Education Association’s 21-22 Friend of the Arts Award
- Published the Buncombe County Creative Earnings Report
- Partnered with Asheville City Schools Foundation and Buncombe County Schools to extend the Teaching Artists Presenting in Asheville Area Schools (TAPAAS) Program– serving over 450 students in the first year
- Established the Arts Coalition to move the local arts policy agenda forward
- Published groundbreaking Buncombe County Creative Jobs Pre-pandemic Report
- Co-hosted Equity in Creative Placemaking speaker series with Leadership Asheville