In the past six years, ArtsAVL has invested over $1.25M into our local arts community through 450+ grants providing vital support for arts organizations, arts education, and working artists in our community.
ArtsAVL regranted $332,465 through 97 grants to 83 arts organizations & artists. This investment provided arts programming for approx. 373,925 individuals.
See the full report to learn more about this year’s grant programs.
Interested in supporting these programs? Email Rebecca at

Arts Business Relief Grant
Western North Carolina arts businesses (for profit and nonprofit) focused in the hardest hit areas of craft, visual, and performing arts (including music) impacted by Hurricane Helene are invited to apply for ArtsAVL Arts Business Relief Grant. Grants of up to $5,000 will be awarded based on the budget size of the business and the revenue losses caused by Hurricane Helene. The deadline to apply is March 14, 2025 at 11:59 pm.

Arts for Schools Grant
Providing arts-based programs for Buncombe County Schools students.
Next Cycle in 2025

Arts Build Community Grant
Supporting arts-based community projects for underserved communities.
Next Cycle in 2025

Region 17 Artist Support Grant
Supporting emerging and established artists taking the next step in their careers.
Next Cycle in 2025

Grassroots Arts Program Grant
Provides program and operating support for nonprofit arts organizations.
Next Cycle in 2025

Asheville Event Support Grant
For permitted nonprofits events within Asheville’s streets, parks, and outdoor public spaces
Next Cycle in 2025
Interested in supporting these programs? Visit our sponsorship page and/or email Development Director Rebecca Lynch at to learn how you can support one of these vital programs.
Grant Selection Panels
ArtsAVL seeks reliable community members knowledgeable about Buncombe County’s arts and cultural organizations, local arts resources, and arts needs to volunteer to serve on ArtsAVL grant review panels.
ArtsAVL has 5 grant programs each fiscal year (July 1-June 30), with grant panels occurring throughout the year. Participating as a grant review panelist is a 2-4 week commitment depending on the number of applications submitted in the grant category. Applications vary based on grant program, and can range from 20-50 applications.
Panelists work with ArtsAVL staff and other panelists to evaluate grant applications, ensuring an equitable, transparent, and thorough review and ranking process. Panelists are offered a modest honorarium for their service and will be provided with detailed instructions and guidelines for review and scoring. Sufficient time is allocated for application review and scoring prior to a panelist meeting (either virtual or in person) to review scoring with ArtsAVL staff and make final recommendations.
Please note: All panelists will be required to disclose any connections to applicants and will have to recuse themselves from decisions around grant funding to those applicants. However, this does not prevent panelists from reviewing other applicants. Panelists must be 18+ and live or work in Buncombe County.