Creative Sector Series
Creative Sector Series

Buncombe County’s 74 creative industries generated $1.6 B in sales in 2019, and supported over 14,000 jobs– an increase of 48% since 2015. With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the arts and entertainment industry suffered the greatest percentage of job loss of any industry in the county, and many of our arts organizations had to remain closed for up to 14 months.

As Buncombe County’s #1 arts advocate, we’re putting arts issues front and center this election season. Join this fall for the ArtsAVL Town Hall Candidate Forum events where you can meet your candidates and get real answers on arts issues, so you can vote with confidence. Just ahead of the November election, you can celebrate Asheville’s creative side at the State of the Arts Brunch. Finally, in March, get to know your newly elected officials at the ArtsAVL Town Hall Meet & Greet.


Arts AVL Town Hall
Candidate Forums 

Sept. 7, 28, & Oct. 12 from 5-7 pm
Wortham Center 

We’re voting arts this election season! Socialize with other arts advocates and find out where candidates stand of important arts issues.

Each event will begin with a 45-minute mix-and-mingle in the lobby and courtyard of the Wortham Center for the Performing Arts, followed by one hour of moderated questions with candidates in the Tina McGuire Theatre.

These events are free and open to the public. Registration required. 

State of the Arts Brunch

Nov. 2 from 10:30 am-12 pm
The Orange Peel

At this sit down brunch, arts advocates will learn about the state of the creative sector in Buncombe County, and hear from City and County leaders about local arts support.

The John Cram Arts Leadership Award (“The Crammy”)– named after local entrepreneur and philanthropist John Cram– will also be presented to an individual who has made a large contribution to the arts locally.

Arts AVL Town Hall
Meet & Greet

Mar. 10 from 3 -4:30 pm
Center for Craft

With the election and holidays behind us, our local art community will gather once more to become better acquainted with our  newly appointed  State, County, and City officials. ArtsAVL will also share our 2022-2023 arts policy agenda at this mix and mingle event.


Series Sponsors

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